Who's In?
Take a look at the map to see whether your property falls within Oak Hill Area Fire Safe Council boundaries. Council neighborhoods include Zandonella, Oak Hill, Big Oak, Hank's Exchange, Nashville Trail, Scotch Pine - and more.
The Oak Hill Area Fire Safe Council includes almost 700 homes, 400 unimproved parcels and BLM land. If you access your property from Pleasant Valley Road – between Zandonella and Cedar Ravine and down to the Cosumnes River – this is your fire safe council!
TIP: To zoom in, hover your cursor over the map. (On mobile, touch and hold to zoom, then slide to move the map.)

If I do not live in the Oak Hill Area, then which Fire Safe Council am I in? You may find which fire safe council you are in by examining the map below, or you may find that your neighborhood has not established a fire safe council. Perhaps it is time to do so.