RockyTop: Going All Out

We call our home RockyTop because the house sits beside an outcropping on the top of Buck Ridge. We love our home and our community and want to live here for as long as possible. When we learned at the Firesafe Council meetings that it was possible for homes to survive a wildfire, we were determined to do what we could to make that happen.
We have undertaken many projects, mostly do-it-yourself, to give our home a good chance of surviving a wildfire, to protect our lives and very possibly the lives of firemen who come to our home to defend it. Consequently, this is a long article.
We've tried to make the article practical by providing the names and links to specific products and businesses we used. But this needs to be said: We are not recommending these specific products or businesses over others -- there are probably other fine products and businesses out there that will serve just as well because we did not research and evaluate all of them. But still, though we have to insist that we are not recommending specific products and services, it still seems important to us that we let you know, specifically, what we did and the experiences we had, and that includes products and services.
To make the article more user friendly, we have broken it into four major parts and provided links below to each of those parts. We hope you enjoy our story.