Build Your Go Bag
Putting together a Go Bag (Emergency Supply Kit) is easy to put off, but essential to successful evacuation. Every fire department recommends having a Go Bag and it's one of the El Dorado County Fire Marshal’s top recommendations. Be sure to develop and follow an Action Plan and Family Communication Plan well ahead of time too.
Your first priority when a wildfire threatens is always to GET YOURSELF, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR PETS OUT SAFELY.
Top Three Recommendations
- Put together your Go Bag long before a wildfire or other disaster occurs.
- Keep your Go Bag easily accessible so you can take it with you when you have to evacuate. In an emergency, you don't want to be scratching your head, wondering, "Now, where did I put that Go Bag?" If you have a pet carrier, keep it handy too.
- Put together a Go Bag for each person in your household.
Sample Go Bag

Here’s an example of what one person put in her Go Bag. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You might want to include additional or different items. The important thing is to get started. You can add to it little by little.
Check out Calfire’s Ready for Wildfire page for some ideas about what to put in your Go Bag and where to keep it. You don’t want to be scratching your head and saying, “Now, where did I put that Go Bag?” when you see smoke from your front porch!
Assemble Your Go Bag Well Ahead of the Need
There are many good sources for what you should put in your Go Bag. The best approach is to just start! You can do this! Start with the priorities first. Modify this list or make your own list as you go along.
The most important thing? Get started! You can always add to your Go Bag over time.